Important topics drawing attention

Statewide topics drawing attention
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This page was last updated: December 20, 2011
Issues for an informed citizenry
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>Ballot & Election Issues
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>Crime, Justice, Ethics

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>Fiscal Policy & Taxation

>Marriage & Family
>Women, Children Minorities
>> ECONOMIC IMPACT OF ILLEGAL ALIENS--The rifts between tax revenues, unreported income, and government services received by undocumented immigrants. (1)

>> ILLEGAL VOTING--A Colorado study that found as many as 5,000 non-citizens in the state took part in the 2010 election. (1)

>> IMMIGRATION LAW LAXITY--Inadequate enforcement of existing federal laws against illegal immigration. Are "Arizona-style" and "Alabama-style" laws reasonable solutions?

>> IN-STATE TUITION STATUS FOR ILLEGAL ALIENS--Proponents of allowing undocumented immigrants in-state tuition status say it would benefit the state of Colorado.

>>  SANCTUARY CITIES--Does Denver violate state law that prohibits “sanctuary cities,” allowing illegal aliens to get a pass on lawbreaking? (1)

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Categorized issues
Marriage & Family
>> MARRIAGE & DIVORCE DATABASE--Should a publicly-accessible database of Colorado marriages and divorces have been removed due to public complaints of invasion of privacy?

>> SAME-SEX CIVIL UNIONS--A same-sex civil union bill approved in the State Senate was defeated in the House in 2011 after much emotional debate. (1)

>> PROSECUTION OF "JOHNS"--Should prostitution “johns” be liable to stiffer prosecution than now in place? Should they be compelled to go to “john schools”? (Proposed bill in Colorado legislature.)

>> 401K PLANS—Should workers be automatically enrolled in 401K plans by employers? (1)

>>  PERA ON SHAKY GROUND--Is PERA (Public Employees Retirement Association) a misguided taxpayer liability and, in the words of one state legislator, "a Ponzi scheme"? (1)

>> VOLUNTARY PENSION ACCOUNTS--Are they needed? (1)
>>AIR SAFETY INCIDENTS UNDER-REPORTED--Near mid-air collisions in Colorado may be triple FAA’s public disclosures. (1)

>> DIVERSION OF FUNDS FROM DESIGNATED USE--When a politician proposes diverting revenue, in full or part, collected by the state from its intended use to another purpose--is this proper or legal? A case in point is taking part of money raised from auto registration fees to help pay for metro transportation needs. (1)

>> DRIVER FATIGUE--Only a handful of states have laws that make it illegal to drive while fatigued. Colorado is not one of them. Driver fatigue is one of the top causes of accidents--the leading cause for truck accidents.

>> ECONOMIC LOSS DUE TO HIGHWAY GRIDLOCK--The metro Denver region loses up to $38.5 billion in economic output due to unaddressed traffic congestion, according to a study. (1)

>> GRADUATED DRIVER LICENSING FOR TEENS--Teens in Colorado have restricted driving privileges based, in great part, on their "lack of experience and growing brains." Are these restrictions fair to most teens, in view of studies of the "true causes" that show a large number of accidents are caused by teens with mental disorders, such as Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)?

>> HELMET LAWS—Bicycle and motorcycle helmet laws in Colorado are not mandatory, as in many other states. Should they be, in view of rising accident rates? (However, the law is mandatory of motorcycle riders 17 and under.)


>> ROAD & BRIDGE DISREPAIR--Colorado's roads and bridges are substandard. (1)
The Colorado Department of Transportation, which has 124 bridges rated poor, is projecting that more and more bridges will slip below the good and fair threshold into poor condition by 2019 without additional funding. As to roadway surface, CDOT has projected that without new revenue for its maintenance program, the share of highway mileage rated as good or fair would fall from 49 percent this year to 29 percent in 2019.

>> SEAT BELT LAW--Colorado is one of 18 states where the seat belt law is a secondary offense, meaning a driver cannot be stopped and ticketed solely for not wearing a seat belt (however, children not properly restrained is a primary offense). Should Colorado make the seat belt law adults a primary offense?

Women, Children, Minorities
>> CHILD INCARCERATION ABUSES--A 1997 report by Human Rights Watch cited multiple abuses of children confined in detention and correctional facilities in Colorado, failing to meet international standards. Have conditions of incarcerated juveniles changed significantly since that report? (1) (2)

>> CHILD POVERTY IN COLORADO ALARMINGLY HIGHThe number of Colorado children living in poverty has increased 85% since 2000. A 2009 report ranked Colorado 35th in providing assistance to homeless children.

>> COLORADO CIVIL RIGHTS LAWS INADEQUACYLegislative remedies to add "teeth" to Colorado Civil Rights laws were narrowly defeated in the Legislature.

>> COLORADO MINORITIES EDUCATION ACHIEVEMENT GAPS—According to the State Accountability Report, the academic achievement gap among minorities in Colorado is unsatisfactory. (1)

>> GANGS ARE EVERY COMMUNITY'S PROBLEM—In 2007 Colorado's youth gangs numbered 110, with over 12,000 members, with communities outside of Denver not represented in the counts. Police say gangs are "every community's problem." Recent arrests have underscored the problem. How can youth and drug gangs be dealt with in the communities? (1)

>> VOTER REGISTRATION PRACTICES REFORM--"While Colorado has improved some voter registration practices — making it easier, not harder, for eligible voters to vote — state election laws and policies still present barriers to full voter participation. Particularly vexing is the state’s failure to conduct outreach in Spanish, despite its large Spanish-speaking population." (1)

>> WOMEN'S PAY EQUITY—Women in Colorado still earn just $.77 to every dollar a man earns. (1)

>> WOMEN'S REPRODUCTIVE RIGHTS--Should women be given more healthcare access? (1)

Active and informed citizenship is not just a right; it is a duty.  --Ronald Reagan