>> DEBT BURDEN QUITE HIGH AND GROWING RAPIDLY (23.5 percent of personal income, an increase of 2.4 percent in two years). (1)
>> DIVERSION OF FUNDS FROM DESIGNATED USE--When a politician proposes diverting revenue, in full or part, collected by the state from its intended use to another purpose--is this proper or legal? A case in point is taking part of money raised from auto registration fees to help pay for metro transportation needs. (1)
>> GOVERNMENT SPENDING TRANSPARENCY--Colorado earns a “C” in transparency of government spending (1)
>> HEALTHCARE COVERAGE BY STATE--Should the State pay for the health care of injured, uninsured residents, or should the burden be placed on the State’s Medicaid system?
>> ITEMIZED DEDUCTION TAXES--Could itemized deduction tax reform save taxpayers millions of dollars, rendering the State tax system less unfair? (1)
>> REFERENDUM C--Was Referendum C a beneficial step to help restore Colorado’s fiscal health? What other measures are required? (1)
>> SCHOOL DISTRICT MILL LEVIES--Is a stabilization of school district mill levies needed? (1)
>> TAXES FAIRNESS--How fair are state and local taxes? Are they regressive? (1)
>> TAX INCREASES—Colorado's state taxes for sales, alcohol, cigarettes, and gasoline are in the low to medium range nationally, leaving room, it can be argued, for increases. Are increases justified? Would such increases be fair and progressive, or unfairly regressive?
>> TAX POLICY TRANSPARENCY—Colorado is remiss in making clear to taxpayers how taxes are used in the state. A bill (House Bill 11-1104) was introduced in 2011 requiring the State Department of Revenue to prepare an annual tax expenditure report.
>> TAX REFORMS—Should income tax be changed to a graduated system? Itemized deduction tax reform could save taxpayers millions, make State tax system less unfair?
>> TAXES: BUSINESS PERSONAL PROPERTY TAX—Business personal property tax: should it be eliminated? ("Colorado's most hated tax" according to one newspaper.)
>> TAX/FEES DECEPTION—Is the creation of “fees” a deceptive tactic of raising taxes without voter approval and a circumventing of the Colorado Constitution?
>> BINGE DRINKING--Self-reported binge drinking rates for Colorado residents, including high school students, are higher than the national average. (1)
>> CHILDHOOD OBESITY: Childhood obesity in Colorado has increased the second-fastest in the nation. (1)
>> CONDOM USE BY TEENAGERS in Colorado is rated unsatisfactory. (1)
>> CHILDREN’S HEALTH--The health of children across the state is alarmingly on the decline, including obesity rates, which contribute to chronic health conditions, increased health care costs, and negative impacts on the economy. (1)
>> DENTAL CARE FOR CHILDREN--Colorado ranks 38th worst in the nation. (1)
>> DEPRESSION IN HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS has remained troublingly high. (1)
>> GMO CROPS: SHOULD THEY BE ALLOWED ON COLORADO OPEN SPACE LAND? Boulder County deals with the issue. (1)
>> HEALTH INSURANCE COVERAGE FOR CHILDREN ranks 44th worst nationally in number of children not covered. (1)
>> HEALTH INSURANCE OVER-REGULATED? Should there be repeals of certain health-insurance regulations that arguably drive up costs, such as mandated direct access to specialists and standing referrals? (1)
>> HEALTHCARE COVERAGE BY STATE--Should the State pay for the health care of injured, uninsured residents, or should the burden be placed on the State’s Medicaid system?
>> HEALTHCARE FOR ADULTS--Colorado ranks in the bottom half of all states for having a regular source of medical care. (1)
>> HEALTH REPORT CARD--Colorado’s overall health grades issued by the Colorado Health Foundation in 2010 have not improved since 2006. (1)
>> MEDICAL MARIJUANA DISPENSARIES--Boon or boondoggle? Facing community opposition, are these facilities harmful or beneficial? Too numerous? Are they misused, abusing the law, functioning illegitimately? Surplus marijuana feeding the black market due to legal loopholes? (1) (2)
>> PAINKILLER ABUSE—The number of deaths in Colorado from prescription drug abuse has risen at an alarming rate in the past decade, almost doubling at 95 percent. Because of privacy issue concerns, the State is considering discontinuing a prescription-monitoring database that health officials as well as the Colorado Medical Society say is needed to help limit prescription drug abuse.
>> PHYSICAL ACTIVITY IN HIGH SCHOOLS-- Just under half of high school students meet recommended levels of physical activity. www.ColoradoHealth.org
>> POLICE STRESS MANAGEMENT PROGRAMS LACKING—The Denver Police Department and other departments don’t provide stress management programs for officers, according to the Denver Police Protective Association. The FBI collects statistics on deaths of officers in action, but not on police suicides, which are estimated to be four times higher.
>> PREVENTIVE ORAL HEALTHCARE ACCESS—Colorado’s performance is poor. (1)
>> PRENATAL CARE--Colorado performs poorly in prenatal care (34th worst in the nation). (1)
>> RADON--How significant is radon a health problem in Colorado, and is it being adequately addressed?
>> RADON IN SCHOOLS--Radon in schools is not being adequately checked, as required. (1)
>> SUICIDE--Perennially Colorado’s suicide rates are in the top ten in the country; the Rocky Mountain region has the highest rate in the nation for all ages. (1)
>> TEEN PREGNANCY in Colorado disproportionately affects the Hispanic community. (1)