2016 -- 2018
Colorado lags in response to the opioid crisis. >>>
Only 13 states and District of Columbia have improved their response to the opioid crisis since 2016, according to the National Safety Council. Colorado is not one of them. Sadly, eight states earned failing grades.
Economy USA Colorado rankings >>>
Civic engagement...Racial integration...Recession recovery
according to WalletHub
Political (Civic) Engagement: 3rd
Based on seven key indicators of political engagement, ranging from “percentage of registered voters in the 2012 presidential election” to “total political contributions per adult population.”
Colorado racial (blacks-whites) integration levels
Overall: 35th. Subsets: Health: 8th; Education and Civic Engagement: 48th.
Voter Turnout gap: 33rd, 2012 presidential election
Racial progress: 40th. Subsets: Employment and Wealth: 33rd. Health: 7th; lowest change in standardized test scores gap: 33rd
Recovery from the Great Recession of 2008
(Out of 505 US cities)
Denver 10th. Subsets: Employment and Earnings Opportunity: 8th; Economic Environment: 69th
Boulder: 19th. Subset: 3rd highest decrease in ratio of part-time to full-time jobs
Lakewood: 24th
By size of city
Large cities (62): Denver 2nd; Colorado Springs 49th
Midsize cities (158): Lakewood 6th
Small cities (285): Boulder 12th