Issues topic resources
These are specially-designed resources to provide listings of issues, including pro and con delineations. Besides providing alphabetically listed or categorized listings of issues, they often provide introductory, background information and links to additional resources on the topics, so they also serve as reference sources.
> Proprietary databases (subscription databases available at libraries)
--Facts on File, CQ Researcher: listings of issues alphabetically and by category, current hot topics, pro/con, searchable by keyword
--Credo Reference: a collection of encyclopedic reference works for background information on all subjects.
> Issues Internet directories and sites: Web directories are databases of websites and information organized by subject and topic headings.
Excellent list of topic ideas, includes links to articles, government sites, and organizations.
--Yahoo! Issues and Causes
--DMOZ (Open Directory Project) Issues
--Almanac of Policy Issues
--IDEA Database (includes pro and con positions)
--Bookmarked sites:
Colorado sites:>issues
> Web search engines: Keyword searching for websites and documents (,, and other search engines).
Background information, overviews, and useful factual information about topics as introductory starting points for research on a topic. By familiarizing oneself with a topic one can select an aspect for a research paper with a narrowed focus. Encyclopedias are the best-known type of useful resources for introductory background information and overviews.
In addition, there are reference sites by universities (.edu), government agencies (.gov), publishers (.com, .net), and individuals (.com) providing a wide range of useful information not designed to promote a particular viewpoint. These sites may offer original content, background information, articles, and reports written by site contributors. These sites may also contain useful organized and annotated links to related information.
> Proprietary databases: Credo Reference; Britannica Online; World Book Online; CQ Researcher; Facts on File Issues and Controversies.
> Bookmarked sites at